
Pink Floyd guitarist Dave Gilmour's son Charlie jailed

Charlie Gilmour, the son of Pink Floyd guitarist Dave Gilmour, has been jailed for 16 months after pleading guilty to violent disorder.

According to 
BBC News, Gilmour, who is 21 years old and was studying at Cambridge University. He was jailed over charges of violent disorder after he was filmed defacing the Cenotaph, throwing a bin at a car carrying Prince Charles and smashing a window. He has since apologized for his behaviour.

Appearing at Kingston Crown Court earlier today, Gilmour admitted that he had taken both LSD and valium before the incident and did not remember throwing the bin. He also claimed that he did not know what the Cenotaph was before he defaced it.

Judge Nicholas Price QC said of the 21 year old's behaviour during the sentencing: "Such outrageous and deeply offensive behaviour gives a clear indication of how out of control you were that day. It caused public outrage and understandably so."

Price also dismissed Gilmour's claim that he did not know what the Cenotaph was, adding: "For a young man of your intelligence and education and background to profess to not know what the Cenotaph represents defies belief. You have shown disrespect to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, to those who fell defending this country."

Gilmour has not indicated yet as to whether he will appeal against the conviction.


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