
Génération de l'air- Photography

                             © Linda Tuloup

The magazine de l'air was created in 2000 in Paris as a showcase for photographs that reflect today's world.

Founded without the support of a media group or financial organization and published four times a year, this independent magazine embraces a spirit of eclecticism in both its choice of subjects and the way it deals with them. Reportage, portraits, landscapes, still lives, fashion. de l'air reflects all photographic styles and is biased towards none of them. It brings together well-known and unknown artists, specialists and knowledgeable non-specialists, photojournalists and artists, fashionistas and humanists, and people who are all of these things at once. de l'air is not just a museum that contents itself with publishing iconic images, but a true forum for creativity, a laboratory that eagerly reveals new talent, steps away from cliché, and wanders off the well-beaten one-track information highway.

It dares to be different, it succeeds, it fails, it is loved and hated, it disappoints and intoxicates, it reveals and uncovers and opens new avenues. Since its creation, it has been a witness and a modest protagonist in the development of photography. It reflects the ups and downs of the photographic medium, which fills trade fairs, flirts with markets and deserts the pages of most newspapers. Photography has never been so fashionable, and yet the profession has never been so precarious.

In this exhibition, a first for most of the photographers, de l'air brings together a generation that goes beyond contrasting approaches and periods. It reflects a shared determination and a desire to 'live photography' in the words of another collective, a friend of ours: Tendance Floue, which is 20 years old this year and whose path we have been crossing for eleven years.

Stéphane Brasca
Founder and editor in chief, de l'air

de l'air was founded by journalist Stéphane Brasca in association with photographers Grégoire Korganow and Julien Chatelin, journalists Daniel Roux and Christophe Dinocheau, and graphic designer Gilles Poplin.

Featured photographers:
Jean-Luc Bertini • Denis Bourges • Emmanuelle Bousquet • Jérôme Brézillon • Sandra Calligaro • Julien Chatelin • Gilles Coulon • Mathilde de l'Ecotais • Floriane de Lassée • Bertrand Desprez • Gilles Elie-dit-Cosaque • Alinka Echeverria • Wilfried Estève • Olivia Gay • Pierre Gayte • Peter Granser • Stanislas Guigui • Estelle Haniana • Sophie Hatier • Guillaume Herbaut • Jean-Marie Huron • Hormoz • Mina Angela Ighnatova • Mat Jacob • Grégoire Korganow • François Lacour • Eric Larrayadieu • Florent Mattei • Patrick Messina • Meyer • Laurent Monlaü • Malik Nejmi • Joël Robine • Olivier Roller • Sonia Sieff • Flore-Aël Surun • Patrick Swirc • Linda Tuloup • Elene Usdin • Dune Varela

Génération de l'air
29 juin-25 sept. 2011
Vernissage le 29 juin 2011
Maison européenne de la photographie.
Paris 4e. 


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